Mid-West Corvettes Membership Application



MWC Membership Application

NCCC Membership Application


Constitution PDF


This organization will be known as the MID-WEST CORVETTES, INC. and may be designated in the abbreviated form as MWC.
This Club is organized for the purpose of safely promoting social, charitable, and sporting activities centered on the common ownership of the Chevrolet Corvette.

  1. Any Corvette owner, and their spouse, companion or significant other that are 18 years of age or older may become a member upon written application to the Membership Director, payment of dues and meeting the requirements as herein set forth.
  2. Each prospective member will be encouraged to attend at least one MWC sponsored event, business meeting or social event prior to application for membership.
  3. National Council Corvette Club membership will be required of all members.
  4. The Club sponsor’s representative will be considered an owner and eligible for membership.
  5. As a condition of membership, each member must sign a waiver assuming and acknowledging his/her privileges, responsibilities and limitations.


  1. Charter Membership in the MWC was closed on May 15, 1960 with the first ten  members to join the Club.


  1. Members who no longer own a Corvette will be considered inactive and will lose voting privileges 90 days after the date of sale of the Corvette unless actively in the process of obtaining another qualifying vehicle.


  1. Honorary membership may be conferred upon those non-Club members whom the membership feels have made an outstanding contribution to the welfare of the Club.
  2. Nominations for honorary membership may be submitted in writing at any regular business meeting with the elections held at the November business meeting. Voting will be by ballot on those names submitted in that calendar year, a ⅔ majority is required of those present and voting.
  3. The persons so honored will be recognized at an upcoming event deemed convenient to those individuals being honored.


  1. Lifetime Membership will be conferred upon any Member with 25 cumulative years of Membership.
  2. Lifetime Members will be recognized at the annual Awards Banquet.
  3. MWC dues will be waived for Lifetime Members, the Club will pay the NCCC Dues, but once a Lifetime Member opts out of NCCC, they will have to contact the Membership Director to ask to be added back into NCCC.
  4. Lifetime Members do not need to own a Corvette, but if no Corvette is owned they will have no voting privileges. If a Corvette is owned, then they will have voting privileges.


  1. DUES – Yearly Membership – MWC only:
  1. Single Member $25
  2. Spouse, companion or significant other $15
  3. Couple $40

Membership is required for any spouse, companion or significant other who attend more than
 one meeting or event. Yearly membership will be prorated by month for the first year.
     B. DUES – Yearly Membership – MWC and NCCC:
Membership in NCCC is required with membership in MWC.
Single member $25 MWC and $35 NCCC
Spouse, Companion or Significant other $15 MWC and $10 NCCC
Couple $40 MWC and $45 NCCC
First year NCCC includes a $10 New Membership charge for Primary Members. This charge will not be assessed for subsequent renewals. Club Dues are due no later than the date of the September Business Meeting of the current year for the next year’s membership. Any member rejoining the Club after the October Business Meeting will pay NCCC new member renewals.
Dues may be changed anytime by a vote of  ⅔  present at a regular business meeting.
     C. FEES

  1. Events: Amount to be set by the membership at a regular monthly business meeting.
  2. Patches, shirts, hats and other Club accessories may be purchased by members only, the current prices subject to change.


  1. PRESIDENT – The President will preside at all meetings of the Club except Board meetings. The President will be an ex-officio member of all committees, preside at all Board meetings in the absence of the Governor and perform all other duties as are normally required of the office.
  2. VICE-PRESIDENT – The Vice-President will conduct all business of the Club in the absence of the President, see that business is conducted in the best interest of the Club, document committee chairs and persons planning drive outs, help with events throughout the year, and act as Parliamentarian. The Vice President will also act as the Club’s Communication director – responsible for the Club’s overall communication flow and quality-content of information, to all current members.
  3. GOVERNOR – The Governor will preside over meetings of the Board. The Governor will have knowledge of the NCCC Constitution and rulings and may sit on the NCCC Board of Directors and on the National Board of Governors representing our Club.
  4. SECRETARY – The Secretary will record and maintain minutes of all business meetings and make such information available to the membership. The Secretary will perform such duties as are incidental to the office and as are properly required.
  5. TREASURER – The Treasurer will be in charge of funds of the Club, conduct its banking business and facilitate the audit of all accounts. Any Club expenditures of $200.00 or less will be brought before the Board of Directors for approval before payment. Any Club expenditures in excess of $200.00 will be brought before the general membership for approval before payment. The Treasurer’s records will be presented to the general membership at the next business meeting. Financial activity for Club events requiring extensive resources will comply with the procedures as defined in the Standard Operating Procedures. (REVISED SEPT. 6, 2022)
  6. DIRECTOR OF SPEED EVENTS – This Director will assist the event Chairman, give assistance in planning an event if the Chairman so requests and keep all Club equipment pertaining to the events.
  7. DIRECTOR OF SOCIAL ACTIVITIES – This Director will assist in the planning and scheduling of all social activities and drive-outs of the Club if so requested.
  8. DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP – This Director will be responsible for all membership matters, i.e. signing up new members, collecting dues and maintaining membership records. NCCC applications and renewals will be coordinated with the Governor. The Director will also be responsible for maintaining the MWC membership list, and ensures the Vice-President has an up-to-date list for communication to the membership.
  9. DIRECTOR OF CHARITY – This Director will be responsible to promote and direct the Club toward a common goal of helping those in need in our community. A special account for all charity monies will be established. All disbursements will comply with the guidelines as defined in the Standard Operating Procedures.
  10. BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF MWC – Will consist of the current officers and directors. The Board of Directors will consist of active members only. The Board of Directors will be responsible to review the Constitution, By-Laws and Standard Operating Procedures annually at the January board meeting.


  1. At the January business meeting, or as soon as possible thereafter, the President will appoint the following chairmen for the year:
  1. WEBMASTER – Responsible for building and maintaining the Mid-West Corvette Club website. Includes publishing and updating all Club information, securing the Domain Name and providing a server to host the website. The Webmaster will publish information and other requests from the members as deemed appropriate. Club events requiring extensive resources will comply with the procedures as defined in the Standard Operating Procedures.
  2. CAR SHOW CHAIRMAN – Will assist any and all shows and concourse events the Club may decide to have and provide information to the membership regarding other area car shows. Club events requiring extensive resources will comply with the procedures as defined in the Standard Operating Procedures.
  3. PUBLICITY CHAIRMAN – Responsible for arranging for publicity with all news media pertaining to the Club events, charity work, etc. Club events requiring extensive resources will comply with the procedures as defined in the Standard Operating Procedures.
  4. PARADE CHAIRMAN – Responsible for contacting schools and organizations concerning parades, arranging for Club members to drive in the parades, ensuring that they do so and collecting the proper fees afterwards. Club events requiring extensive resources will follow the procedures as defined in the Standard Operating Procedures.
  5. QUARTERMASTER – Responsible for ordering, keeping and making available for sale all items that the Club has to sell such as shirts, patches, hats and other Corvette related items. Club events requiring extensive resources will follow the procedures as defined in the Standard Operating Procedures.
  6. HISTORIAN – Responsible for storing and keeping in order all historical items belonging to the Club.
  7. SUNSHINE – Responsible for sending thank-you notes, gifts, cards or flowers as necessary. Any member or officer can hold one or more of these appointed positions and may recruit other members to assist.

     B. The President may form any other committee of membership, publication, social activity,
           rally, safety, etc. as is deemed necessary.
     C. The vote of the majority of the committee will be the vote of the committee.
     D. Board members may also serve on the committee or be chairman of the committee.
     E. Any request from the membership should be channeled through any of the board
           members or the Vice President for presentation to the Board of Directors.

  1. General monthly business meetings will be held on the first Tuesday of each month, excluding legal holidays, when the meeting will be held on the second Tuesday.
  2. The agenda of business meetings will be defined in the Standard Operating Procedures.
  3. Board of Directors meetings will be held as are deemed necessary. Board of Directors meetings can be conducted in person, in the form of an email or other social media session. Each board member will have one vote.
  4. Committee meetings will be held as are deemed necessary and can be conducted in person, in the form of an email or other social media session.


  1. The officers and directors will be nominated in writing by the membership at the October business meeting and elected by ballot at the November business meeting, after all candidate(s) names have been published and recorded in the minutes. Any positions that are not contested can be approved by motion and passed with a simple majority. They will assume office in January for the period of one calendar year. Only those members who have paid their membership dues for the upcoming year and are present at the November meeting will be allowed to vote in this election.
  2. A vacancy in any office may be elected by ballot, or by motion if uncontested, at any regular monthly business meeting to fill out the balance of the term. If a vacancy cannot be filled by ballot the vacancy of an office will be filled by appointment of the President.
  3. Any officer, director, chairman or member can be removed from office by a ⅔  vote of the full membership in a regular monthly business meeting.


  1. Proposed amendments to this Constitution must be presented in writing at a regular monthly business meeting, read by the Secretary at such a meeting, left on the table and published in the minutes, until the next meeting when a show-of-hands vote will be taken. If ⅔ of the members present at the meeting vote in favor of the amendment, this Constitution shall be so changed.
  2. Maintenance of the Constitution will be the responsibility of the President and the Secretary. They will be responsible to record and maintain all changes to the Constitution, By-Laws and Standard Operating Procedures. The Webmaster will be responsible to distribute this information over the website.

April 5, 2016
March 6 2018 (amended and approved)
November 1, 2022 (amended and approved)


A. The Chairman of any event will be responsible for the calculating and the scoring for the event. No awards will be given for the event until the computations have been verified.
B. The Chairman will receive no financial reimbursement for fuel, wear and tear, etc.
C. The Chairman shall be responsible for organizing all equipment for the event.
D. The Chairman is responsible for having all event participants sign an Event Waiver and submitting completed form(s) to the Vice-President.
E. Types of recognized events are:
1. Rallies
2. Gymkhanas and Auto-crossing
3. Drag strip competition
4. Concourse and car show
5. Drive-outs
6. Social events (Exempt from Event Waiver)
7. Parades
A. Year End Awards
1. Club Recognition Award
a) Not to exceed 15 recognition awards to be presented for the current year.
b) Each award can be given to either an individual or to a couple.
c) The award is based on commitment to the club, i.e. serving on committees, volunteering to work when needed, doing the “thankless” jobs in the club, leading club activities and being actively involved.
2. Rookie of the Year Award (No more than 2 awards can be given to either an individual or a couple.)
To be awarded to a first full year member based on criteria listed under 1 above (Club Recognition Award).
3. Competition Awards
a.) Racers of the Year (No more than 1 award for men and 1 award for women.) To be determined by:

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Number and location of sanctioned and non-sanctioned events entered and place finished considering amount and ability of competition during the year.
NCCC points earned for racing.
b) Showers of the Year (No more than 2 awards – each award can be given to either an individual or a couple.) To be determined by:

1) Number of NCCC shows entered, finish, rank and distance traveled.
2) Number of non-NCCC shows entered, finish, rank and distance traveled.
3) Number of extra awards received, i.e. Best of Show, Best Paint, etc. No distinction will be made between Concourse, Wash and Show or Street and Show.
Any of the above awards may be omitted for any year they are not deemed appropriate.
B. Annual Awards
1. A Board meeting will be held prior to the awards banquet. Awards will be decided upon at that time by the Board.
This club shall not be responsible for personal or property damages incurred as a result of participation in club events. A waiver shall be signed by each member as a condition of membership. The waiver will be part of the membership application. All those under legal age must have their waivers signed by a parent or guardian before participation in the event. Non- members must also sign the waiver before participation in an event.
Proposed amendments shall be presented to the general membership in writing and voted upon at the following business meeting. A simple majority vote is needed to amend. Maintenance of the By-Laws will be the same as Article IX B of the Constitution.
In all our Parliamentary Procedures, we adopt Robert’s “Rules of Order” as our guidelines.
April 5, 2016
Amended and approved March 6, 2018

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 Updated: 9/5/2023


This will establish the Standard Operating Procedures for the Mid-West Corvette Club. The intention is to formalize and put into a written document the procedures or guidelines established by the Board of Directors and membership. This written procedure will be put into place to eliminate confusion and questions. These SOPs may be a one-time event or an ongoing event.
The Board of Directors, by a majority vote, will have the authority to establish, amend or delete SOPs without having the membership vote on them. Additions or changes may also be presented by members at a business meeting. These changes would be discussed and voted on during the meeting. To pass the change would require a simple majority of those in attendance at the meeting.They would not have to be read at a meeting and voted on at the next meeting as do Constitution and By-Law changes.
The President and Secretary will be responsible for keeping the SOPs up to date. The President will be responsible for taking the vote and identifying what items will be added to the SOPs.
SOP 1.0 Social Event Payment (February 3, 2015)
The fee to the host of a social event has been re-established to be $75.00 at a minimum. This payment will be given to the host and/or hostess who provide the home or other place to hold the event. In the event of a co-host, the host will be responsible to divide the money as they see fit. Depending on the size of the social event, it may be deemed necessary to request additional funds to cover the standard cost of supporting the event. Requests for additional funds for a club sponsored event, over the standard minimum must be requested at a club business meeting prior to the event and must be voted on, and approved by the membership at that meeting prior to the additional disbursement of any funds. Receipts for additional funds for event expenses must be turned into the club’s Treasurer along with any additional funds not used.
SOP 2.0 2 Way Radios Recommended for Club Drive-Outs (February 2014).
The Board of Directors recommend, for the safety of all participants and communication, that all cars participating in drive-outs have operating Midland 2 Way Radios (recommend Midland GXT 1000 or newer model). We will use channel 7 and use privacy channel 17 with the CTCSS setting on high power (set up with an H next to channel 7). Radios must be fully charged before every drive-out due to when batteries are low on charge, radio will only send static.
SOP 3.0 Reimbursements for Governors’ Meeting (February 3, 2015)
When and if the Governor attends the National Council NCCC Governors’ meeting, the MWC will reimburse travel expenses and up to two nights lodging.
SOP 4.0 Drive-Out Rules and Procedures (April 5, 2011) (Modified March 6, 2018)
This will keep us safe and keep us from getting lost and frustrated.

  1. Every car needs a hand held 2-way radio. If you do not have one, borrow one from another member.
  2. Use your radio for road communication only. Use your cell phone to chat with friends.
  3. On drive-outs with more than 10 cars, we will pass road messages to the center car and then to the back.
  4. The drive-out lead car should periodically slow down or stop to allow the cars to catch up and regroup. (This is especially important after a series of turns)
  5. Every driver is responsible to keep up with the car in front of them using common sense and driving safely. If you fall behind, you should use your radio or cell phone to request assistance if needed.

SOP 5.0 Vice President-Extended Duties-Club Communications Director (February 4, 2014) Modified (March 6, 2018)
The Vice President will be responsible for the timely distribution of Club information to all active members within the parameters listed below:

  1. Oversees and maintains the club’s email and Facebook communications tools.
  2. Determines whether the email information is club related and the information serves the best interest of its members.
  3. Works in conjunction with the Membership Director to ensure accurate membership email information.
  4. Maintains and updates the Facebook active members listing and ensures the communications posted are club related and serves the best interest of its members.

SOP 6.0 Sponsorships (March 6, 2018)
This is to define the types of Sponsorships including the requirements and benefits.

  1. Club Sponsor – Chevrolet Dealership that is actively selling new and used Corvettes.

The Club Sponsor should be reputable so they do not create financial or reputational risk to the Club. The Club Sponsor is entitled to a membership and invited to all business meetings and events. The dealership should be recognized at all major Club functions and events. The cost of sponsorship is $600.00 per year.

  1. Premier Event Sponsor – Business or individual that is interested in promoting themselves at a Club event. The Premier Event Sponsor should be reputable so they do not create a financial or reputational risk to the Club. The Premier Event Sponsor does not have to be a Corvette owner and is not entitled to a membership. They may be invited to a business meeting(s). The Premier Event Sponsor may be recognized multiple times at the event. The minimum amount to be a Premier Event Sponsor is $400.00 per event. A Premiere Event Sponsor’s contribution can be monetary, merchandise, services or in the form of discounts,
  2. Event Sponsor – Business or individual interested in promoting themselves at a Club event. The Event Sponsor should be reputable so they do not create a financial or reputational risk to the Club. The Event Sponsor does not have to be a Corvette owner and is not entitled to a membership. The Event Sponsor may be recognized at the Club event through public recognition or distribution of branded merchandise or door prizes. An Event Sponsor’s contribution can be monetary, merchandise, services or in the form of discounts.

SOP 7.0 Club Events Requiring Extensive Resources (March 6, 2018)
The definition of a Club Event Requiring Extensive Resources is an Event that takes more than six months to organize and the support of a majority of the Club’s membership to successfully execute. The Event may need seed money and requires its own bank account to properly account for financial activity. The Club Event Committee will:

  1. Work with the Governor to register the event with the NCCC to ensure the event is covered by the NCCC insurance.
  2. Open a checking account to properly record all receipts and disbursements. After the event the account will be closed. If it is a recurring event the account is to be brought to a minimum balance to keep the account open and avoid service charges.
  3. Request seed money from the Board of Directors if needed to start the event.
  4. Follow the Club’s Constitution for approval of expenditures.
  5. Return seed money and net proceeds after event expenses (less a minimum balance to keep account open) back to the Club’s operating account for distribution to beneficiaries of the event.
  6. Provide full accounting of the event back to the Board of Directors and general membership.
  7. The Chairman appointed by the President as described in Article VI of the Constitution are not required to serve in their appointed capacity for the event.

SOP 8.0 Charity Guidelines (March 6, 2018)
The Director of Charity will follow these guidelines. All expenditures and donations will be approved by the membership. A maximum of $100.00 will be allowed for expenditures without prior board approval due to the timeliness of an event. A maximum of $200.00 in the form of a donation will be given to any one individual in need per request. Requests for charitable groups will be discussed at general business meetings to set amounts and approval.
SOP 9.0 General Business Meetings (March 6, 2018)
The order of the business meetings will generally follow the agenda below. This can be modified by the President to meet the Club’s needs.
Call To Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Moment of Silence, for Veterans, Fallen, Past and Current Military Personnel and First Responders.
Opening Remarks
Secretary’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
Governor’s Report
Membership Report
Social Report
Speed Report
Communication Report
Charity Report
Chairmanship Reports:
Webmaster Report
Car Shows Report
Publicity Report
Parade Report
Quartermaster Report
Historian Report
Sunshine Report
Photo Report
Old Business
New Business
SOP 10.0 Patronage of Members for Products and/or Services (March 6, 2018)
This is to promote patronage of our members. When the Club is seeking products and/or services it should make every consideration possible to first patronize a member(s) for the product and/or service. The member(s) should be given the opportunity to competitively bid on the product or service in conjunction with the bids from within or outside the Club. Quality, timeliness and cost should all be considered before awarding the business. The Membership Director will be responsible for gathering and disbursing information related to products and services of the members.
SOP 11.0 Waivers (September 27, 2022)

  1. Every Event Requiring a signed waiver – All original waivers, both Adult and Minor are to be kept by the Host Club for two (2) years.
  2. All Waivers Must Contain the Name and Date of the Event.
  3. If a reportable incident occurs at an event, then the original, signed waiver for the Adult/s or Minor/s will be sent immediately to the current NCCC Business Manager. He/She will retain those waivers in the NCCC Claims Document File until the claim/s have been settled. Then the file will be kept in the NCCC Business Managers storage area provided by NCCC.
  4. The Event Chairperson will collect the waivers and give them to the Club Governor, who will then be in charge of storing them for the required two (2) years in the Club storage area.

SOP 12.0 Sunshine Guidelines – gifts for deceased (August 18, 2023)

  1. Member, Spouse/Significant Other – up to $150.00.
  2. Immediate Family – Parents, Children and Grandchildren (including Step and In-Laws) – up to $100.00.
  3. Other – Grandparents and Siblings (including Step and In-Laws), Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Former Members and Honorary Members – Card.